charles anastase, possibly my favorite because it's both ridiculous and made with an articulate attention to texture and shape. inspiration behind the collection was the upside down climate, where fruits and flowers have replaced snow during the winter. his message was supposed to be conveyed by a "crazy gardener" type, so i can only assume that the brown splotches on the flowy blue number are supposed to be potatoes harvested from a ground covered with warm earth, instead of a natural layer of frost. the little bo peep bonnet with the sheep like ruffles could be then an english lamb venturing to the seaside for a vacation instead of being shaved for it's wool. the peach jacket at the bottom is cut perfectly and the floral strangulation device is splendid. the rest of the collection is made up of images that i know will be somersaulting in my head for hours and speak loudly and strangely on their own without my addition of a contrived exotic garden fairytale.
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